Do you know what it's like to be a woman in ministry, or precisely a "preachers wife"? I hope men and women alike, in ministry or not, will enjoy this blog filled with Daily Devotions, Fun, Quirky stories, good clean jokes, and shared experiences! Feel Free to comment, share prayer requests, and share with Friends! Email me at
The Preacher and his wife :)
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Support my film! A girls journey through abuse, neglect, adoption, and finding God on the other side!
Friday, November 22, 2013
What is church?
Church isn't a museum for good people, its a hospital for the broken. I L♡VE this!
I love this because I think its a great reminder that our churches need!
How many churches do you know that the vast majority of their ministry is "in house"? Those where, its hard to find the work they do that's not for themselves?
Are they reaching out to the broken? The poor? The people with tatoos, nose piercings, or a different color?
If you are a part of a congregation that does, congrats!! But, you're one of very few.
Many churches are all about what they are comfortable with. They are concerned with their image.
I mean, "God forbid someone visit our church and see we have members or other people sitting in our congregation that are "different". Those visitors might not come back!"
I don't know about you, but if I were visiting a church and saw diversity of ages, ethnicities, wealth, and social status I would stick around for a while!
Why? Because that means this church is open, loving, and is really working to get the Gospel to EVERYONE! -not just their peers, friends, and people who they consider to be on their own level.
We've got to get out of our MUSEUMS we've created and bring in these people that NEED the Gospel! That NEED to know that they are loved by us, and by Jesus no matter what they've done, who've they've done, where they've been, where they live, how much money they have, or if their house is clean or not!
GOD DID NOT TELL YOU TO PRESERVE YOURSELF! So get off the shelf of security, arrogance, and self worth and get out there and do something with what Gods given you!
People are sick! Sick at heart! Sick in spirit! ITS UP TO US TO HEAL THEM BY SHARING THE GREAT PHYSICIAN who can heal all wounds!!
I hope this gives each of you the motivation to break away from your safe place, what we have turned our churches into!
Have a blessed day and God speed!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Give it Anyway!
I passed them as I entered into the parking lot and something within me said..."They need your help." So, I stopped in the parking lot, pulled out my wallet, and started to to pull out the three dollar bills I had sitting beside the $20 bills that were also in there. It was as if God told me; "You've got three of those twenty dollar bills, do you really need all three? Or could they use them more"?
I them pulled back around up next to where they were standing, I held out the $20 bill, the woman stood there in amazement at the money I was offering her. She thanked me profusely, almost in tears. I told her to have a great day, and I pulled off.
I felt very accomplished, very good about myself because I had done what Jesus calls us all to do. He says we are to help each other, to love each other unconditionally, and to show His mercy and love to others.
As I pull into a parking space I posted on Facebook;
" There is a homeless family in Front of Wal-Mart on Avalon Ave, if you are nearby please drop them some groceries or money please!!"
I did this because I thought maybe there are others out there who would want to give to people in need. However, I did not have the happy ending to this story that I wanted....
I'm shopping in Wal-Mart for the items I came for and my husband calls me on the phone.
"Someone just posted on your wall that these people are not poor. They are simply professional beggars. They do not work, but make the same amount of money that the rest of us to by sitting out by the road. If you ask them if they are really homeless they will tell you the truth if you ask them. Most people in town know this already by now. "
At first, my heart was broken. I felt for sure by the look of these people they needed help. Why did my heart tell me to give them money if they are no worse off than I am?
Then, the anger set in. I was bound and determined to march right back out there and demand my money back and tell them that everyone in town knows the frauds they are, so they might as well go home and stop taking us giving people for fools!
But, God placed His hand on my heart, almost as if physically, and whispered... "You did what I asked you to do. You cannot help what they did, but you will be greatly rewarded for loving people as you do, and following my commandments to serve me by serving other people."
As I placed my groceries on the conveyer belt to check out, it dawned on me that after giving them that $20 I may no longer have enough money for the items I came for. As the cashier rang up the items butterflies began to bubble up in my stomach. Will I have enough? Am I going to be one of "those people" who has to put items back because they were living outside their means while everyone else stares and judges them?
$42.34 she said. You'll never believe the next thing that happened.... I pulled out the money from my wallet, the EXACT amount of money I had left was FORTY TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY FOUR CENTS.
I probably looked as if I had seen a ghost. As I handed the cashier the last $42.34 that I had for the week, my heart smiled. I prayed inside.... Thank you Lord for taking care of me, as I took care of others.
I tell you this story to say this....
God tells us to take care of each other no matter what the circumstances may be. That homeless guy on the street corner may or may not really need your money, but what if he does? GIVE ANYWAY!!
God rewards us for the good deeds we selflessly do, and takes care of our needs when we take care of others.
So, next time you see someone in need....GIVE ANYWAY.
Don't feel comfortable giving them money? Then drop them a bag of food from the grocery store, or from a fast food restaurant nearby.
Then, at least, you know you gave them something they will for sure use to nourish their body, and you will bless them, and maybe, just maybe they will FEEL that blessing in Jesus' name.
God Bless.... and Get Giving!!! :)
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The Mary Kay opportunity!!! Watch and begin your career today!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
My life with MARY KAY can be yours too!!
My friends! I have found a new calling! I've been trying for years to find something to help my family financially, boost my confidence, and make me feel special again!
I considered options like Tastefully Simple, Thirty-one, and even Mary Kay. But after prayer, nothing seemed to 'click'.
But two months ago I tried Mary Kay for the first time and I knew in my heart there was a future there! After prayer and speaking with my husband, we decided to go forward! And what a reward it has been!
I was worried I wasnt "good enough" or knew enough people to sell the products to.
However I am having the time of my life meeting new people and helping women enrich their lives and feel beautiful again!
I've only been running my business for two months and already made my way on the Queens court of sales for my unit and recieved so many free prizes and products!
Where will YOU be this time next year? My bet is the same place you are now trying to make ends meet, still longing for a career that makes you happy!!
Look no further! If you want a bright future full of rewards on many different levels then Mary Kay is for you!
Its NOT about selling, its about teaching women how to love their skin, smell and look wonderful, and feel great about themselves! Who wouldn't want a career like that?
Women are leaving their day jobs every day because of Mary Kay! Why? Because of the way it makes them feel and because their Mary Kay income has surpassed their other jobs! I even met several DOCTORS at the recent seminar who left their practices for this! Ladies who were making over 250k-500k a year who just started their businesses a year ago!
Are you ready to be the most sucessful woman or even man you know?? Contact me today and lets get your new life started!
I would never steer anyone wrong. You just don't know what your missing!
Watch this short video and give your opinion and Ill send you a free product!
Become a part of my team today!! :)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Marriage Equality
And, for a while now that has been my first gut reaction to the subject. But, after much prayer, consideration, and even talking with my husband, the pastor, on the subject, I've decided this is my stand on the subject.....
If you want to insist on separation on church and state, then that fine line has got to be one big huge gap. We as Christians want it to be a fine line, a line where church and state occasionally touch, and maybe even bleed into the other because those are the standards we live by, and want others to live by as well. We know in our hearts that God intended marriage to be between and man and a woman, and that His example of executing cities because of homosexuality, proves that He does not approve of that lifestyle.
HOWEVER, we cannot push our belief's on the government to govern whether gay marriage is allowed- and yet scream separation of church and state! You've got to choose to be together or separate! There can be no compromise just because that's what WE believe! We cannot keep claiming our nation was founded on Christian principals, because simply it was not. It was based moreso on Masonic principals than anything, but that's a whole other story.
Jesus loved EVERYONE regardless of their lifestyle choices or sin in their lives, or jobs they held, or how they were viewed by society. Did he agree with how they lived? Maybe not, but He had true love in His heart for them, and only wanted/wants a relationship with them/us. Why else would He have died for us to save us from those things that were impure in our hearts?
Today, as the law was passed that states must recognize gay marriage, I have had witnessed more hatred and disgust towards the gay community than ever before. People actually telling others on facebook that they hope they burn in Hell forever for their lifestyle, and to go read their bibles to find the truth!
SHAME ON THEM! Is that how a REAL Christian should act? I think NOT! I've done my fair share of disagreeing with gay marriage online, but never in a million years would I wish hell on any human being on earth, regardless of their choices and lifestyle. Jesus was the true example of love. He never told someone, "You disgust me with your sin. Go to hell!"
People. He came to SAVE us from hell! And to be an example of the love we should have for our fellow man! And NO CHRISTIAN should be wishing that on ANYONE. Instead, we should be PRAYING and LOVING everyone around us.
If you disagree with the way someone lives. Pray for them. Be an example of love they cannot deny. Let Jesus shine through you.
They may not change their ways, but they cannot ever say they never saw the love of Jesus in someone! BE that example!
I do not think that the government should have a say in whether a man wants to marry a man, or woman wants to marry a woman. If that's the choice they make, so be it. Its THEIR life to live, NOT OURS.
Its not our job to judge, THAT's GODS!
Leave Godly business to GOD and mind your own ;)
Monday, May 13, 2013
Love Actions Speak Much Louder Than Love Words...
Any relationship is something you have to actively seek to work on. You cannot get caught up in your every day life, schedule, and circumstances and forget to keep that spark between you and your mate. We sometimes get to comfortable with our relationships, forgetting to continue to "woo" our husband or wife once those vows are made, the honeymoon is over, you pop our three kids, and the end of our workday is over and we are just ready to vegge out before starting another day.
A reason I believe so many marriages end in divorce is because each party, or at least one of them, has forgotten to make the other feel special, forgotten to show the other just how much you love, appreciate, and cherish the other.
But, HOW do you show that to your loved one? Everyone has different ways of showing their love.
As a wife, and mother, our natural instinct is to make sure he gets his favorite meals on the table when he comes home from a long work day, hang up and wash his clothing, make sure he has a clean towel for when he washes off his long day, keep the kids from bothering him while he watches his favorite tv show, make sure he has snacks he likes, and maybe even make him lunch for work when he needs it.
As a husband, he may feel that being intimate is the best way. He might also watch the kids while his wife goes shopping, or spends time with her friends. He might keep the kids occupied while she takes a much needed bath to soak away the stresses of the day. He could even buy her something from the store that he noticed she had her eye on. Some husbands, who are not as lazy, might even clean up the cheerios off the floor, just so she doesn't have to.
But, are those not things that any married couple should do for each other anyway? Are those things in any way being romantic? Do they start any kind of spark for the other?
Some women may say yes. I've heard several women comment that their biggest turn on is to witness their husband cleaning.
Kuddo's to those who feel that way, but I'm talking about actively seeking out to make your mate feel special, wanted, sexy, and there really is no way they would ever even be interested in another woman or man on the planet, til death do they part.
I've put together a list of things to show your loved one just how special they are to you. Not all of these idea's are things that are going to appeal to everyone, but hopefully it can get you thinking, and actively seeking how to strengthen your relationships on many different levels.
Things to do for HER:
1.Compliment her on what she's wearing. Be specific about how it compliments her body.
2.Surprise her by doing something for her when she least expects it.
3.Defend her, in all ways. Even if she is wrong. Especially with family.
4.When she is sick, even if you're a germaphobe, cuddle with her, pick her flowers from outside.
5.Seek out things to help her, don't do nothing just because you don't know what to do, ASK her
"how can I help you".
6.Pretend she has a sign over her head that reads "Make me feel special right now", and think of
ways to do so, right that minute, not later, because you will probably forget.
7.Never show any other woman, especially in front of her, any kind of attention that could be
8.Plan AHEAD for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special holidays. NEVER do anything
last minute. Waiting until the last minute,( in a womans mind), says you did not think enough
about her, or how special she is to you, and you are only doing something for her because you
feel "obligated" to do so.
9.Leave a special note or poem for her she can find, maybe even with her favorite flower, as a
sweet surprise, on your pillow to find as she wakes, in the seat of her car, or on the bathroom
10.Show her affection without sexual intentions.
11.Have flowers delivered to her from time to time, just to say "Just because I love you".
12.Offer to watch the kids and/or clean the house and send her off for some "me" time.
13.Arrange to have a sitter, and surprise her by taking her out to her favorite restaurant.
14. Make sure every week that you do something, just the two of you, even if its only for
a little while. You need that alone time. Knowing that alone time, apart from intimacy,
is important to you, shows how important she is to you.
15. When the two of you go to dinner, don't sit across from her, sit WITH her in the booth.
16.Pray for her. Pray that God helps her through her day, and gives her the things she needs,
and let her know you prayed for her today just because you wanted her to have a good
Things to do for HIM:
1.Send him an email while he is at work. Tell him you love him, and can't wait for him to
come home.
2. Send him pictures of yourself in an email or txt message, men are very visual.
3.Watch his favorite tv show with him, even if you don't like it. Don't talk, just sit with him
and watch with him. Some men just like to BE with you, and that's all the comfort they need.
4.Send a sweet note in his lunch, briefcase, or even wallet for him to find at work.
5.Instead of handing off a baby, the kids homework, or a "to do" list when he comes home,
greet him at the door with a long kiss.
6.Make his favorite meals from time to time, to show you know his likes.
7.Give in more often to intimacy, even when you don't feel like it.
8. Greet him when he comes home from time to time wearing your nicest outfit, hair done
the way he likes it, heels, and makeup all done. Not only will this make him feel special
that you dressed up just to greet him, but it will raise his interest in you as well.
9.Tell him how HOT he looks today.
10.Plan a day that he can just go do something he wants to, without worrying about you
or the kids. Guys need "me time" too.
11.If you see a shirt, or item in the store you know he would like, (if you have the money) buy it
for him. And if you don't have the money, tell him about it, and save up the money to buy it
for him, at least that way he knows you were thinking about him.
12.When you go to a restaurant, don't sit across the table from him, sit by him in the same booth.
13.Make sure you always tell him how you appreciate the little things he does.
14.Make his favorite dessert, and let him know its just for him.
15.Pray for him, and tell him you did so. Just because you love him and are thankful for him.
Not all of these ideas will work all the time, but if you use these idea's as a guide, and actively seek out ways to SHOW your love, your appreciation, and need for your husband or wife, it will mean so much to them.
Don't ever let a day go by that you do not do SOMETHING to SHOW your thinking about them. Even on the busy days, a simple email, txt message, or Facebook post expressing your love will get you far.
Don't let them think that you've forgotten about them, and don't let them forget about you by
remaining in the background. Keep YOU in their thoughts, and keep them in YOURS.
Even if you're angry......
Monday, April 29, 2013
No One Is Safe!!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I was born THIS way...
People keep saying that the law, and what people should be allowed to do with their own lives has nothing to do with the bible, or Jesus, or God, but rather:
"They were born this way, IF there is a God, He made them this way, therefore there is nothing wrong with what they d...o". or "The bible has nothing to do with law or what people should and shouldn't do", or "Its the way they choose to live their life, if they feel like doing it, why not?"
And I'm over here like... "But, didn't law originate based on biblical principles? Wasn't the law set in place from the beginning because God said so?"
If we are to be free to do whatever we want because we were "born that way", then why is it not okay for a mass killer to kill people because "It makes them feel better"?
Why is it not okay to commit adultery because we were "we want to, because it feels good"?
Why is it not okay to be lie?
Why is it not okay to cheat?
Why is it not okay to disobey our parents? Why is it not okay to do all the things we all do on a daily basis?
All of the things I listed above are listed in the BIBLE. If you don't believe the bible is a guide for our lives...then why are you not disregarding ALL the bible says?
We can't pick and choose which things we want to abide by just because we "feel like it" or because "it feels good".
It's all or nothing...choose...
Christians base their lives on the bible because that's what we believe the bible tells us to do. We base our lives on it because we believe the bible is our guidebook, and Jesus' teachings and example are how we are supposed to try to live by. Do we mess up? Most definitely! BUT, at the end of the day, we are sorrowful, shameful of our sin, and strive every day to do better. (or at least we SHOULD). We do not deliberately go against what our "guidebook" tells us, and say it's okay because we did what we feel is more fun, or because we were born in sin, therefore the sin is ok.
In a true follower of Christ's mind, we know that sin is NOT ok, but know We will never be perfect, we will always give into our sinful nature in one way or another. We are sorry we gave in, sorry we hurt our temple, sorry we hurt someone else, and wake up tomorrow and try again.
Jesus came to Earth to give us that opportunity to try again. He was born into sin, to become sin, so that He could rise again, wiping away our transgressions against ourselves and others.
We don't love each other because its what is moral...we love each other because GOD is love, and commanded us love one another...
If you don't believe in God, or Jesus, then stop loving other people!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Biggest Hoax EVER
Sunday, March 3, 2013
THE BIBLE - New Series on the History Channel
The trailer for this new series that will be on the History Channel was posted online, and comment after comment just got sadder and sadder, so much it brought me to tears.
Society today is just pathetic. It simply breaks my heart to see so many people out there who do not believe, and think it appropriate to bash the bible, and the Christian faith.
I understand a lot of people's attitudes towards Christian's with all that they see about the Catholic church, and claims of sexual molestation, and abuse of all sorts within the Vatican and the Catholic church in general. It's not only the Catholic church that gets into this kind of trouble, many other denominations and religion's do- I think the Catholic church gets so much media attention because of who they are, how public everything is, and they have a Pope who sits up there for all to see.
Many, do not believe the bible to be anything more than a story book passed down through the ages. Some even said they thought the devil wrote it. If that were so, doesn't that make God real if you believe in Satan?
One of the first comments said that the bible was most probably written by the devil? umm..seriously? If so, He's pretty stupid of a sort to admit that in the end, that God will win, and that he will be forever burning in the lake of fire in Hell. If he were to write it, don't you think that he would lie and say that he, himself, will win over the earth, defeat God, and reign forever?
Those who refuse to believe, ridicule the bible, and the Christian faith, will soon be shown their stubbornness and lack of thinking for themselves, and looking into their own hearts- searching for that one still voice...
The bible says that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord. You may not believe it now, but when your day comes, you will, and you will remember that this girl from Alabama told you so.
What does it hurt to believe? What do you lose?
Id much rather put my trust in a God who loved me so much that He sent His own son to die for me, and believe it, and it be true- than to never believe and miss out on a lifetime in Heaven, and forever rot in hell.
I don't have to think that way tho- cause I know in my heart it to be true. But, sometimes you've got to think differently when trying to explain to others why you should believe.
Of course, each has to discover their faith on their own. You can't MAKE anyone believe, you can only plant the seed, and hope that God can water it, and it grow.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Big Purse Syndrome
Or do you just carry a large purse, not intending on carrying your life with you, it just happens to collect everything over time?
Or do you feel you need to have anything and everything in case someone else might need something, and that nurturing makes you feel good about yourself?
Many moms feel like they must carry a ton of stuff with them all the time because there is just no telling what their child might need. Being a mom of three, I fully understand this feeling. I carry a purse, and a diaper bag with me these days. The older two, which are now 7 and 9, really don't need that much, but take advantage often of what they might find in the bag such as snacks, drinks, candy, and wipes if they make a mess of something. But my baby who is almost 3, still needs most of the necessities such as change of clothes, extra shoes, pull-ups, wipes, snacks, toys, ect because she still makes messes and needs entertainment on certain occasions.
But how many people out there are still carrying around these large bags when they only have themselves to worry about? A recent study by a local chiropractic association says that the average purse weighs about 14 pounds! Why are we doing this to ourselves ladies!!?? You may not realize it, but that actually affects your body. It can cause lop-sidedness, problems with posture, and back, shoulder, and neck problems.
Galatians 6:5 says "each one should carry his own load", But, the bible didn't say make it has heavy as possible! LOL
I have listed several ways below to still carry your things you might need at any given moment, yet still consolidated so you aren't carrying such a big load.
1. Do you have several medicine bottles in your purse? Consolidate! Get one big medicine bottle, take each type of pill you think you might need and a couple in their own little craft baggie that's only about an inch wide, write on each baggie what it is, along with dosage, and put all of them in the one bottle. Presto!
2. Is your bag littered with receipts? This one is easy...DON'T leave them there. At the end of your day, always put them in a prepared folder or firebox for easy retrieval should you need them later. If you are like me, you'll leave them in there so long that you get tired of seeing them and throw them away, or throw them out of your purse somewhere, and then need them and they aren't there.
3. Do you really need all that makeup with you all the time? Most girls I know, carry their makeup bag with them in their purses as well. This is partially what makes our bags so heavy! After you've done your makeup in the morning, all you really need to take with you is some lipstick, lip gloss, and maybe some pressed powder. If you've got an event that night, leave the bag in your trunk inside a cooler with an ice pack to keep it from overheating. There's no need in wagging it around all day.
4. Only buy purses with pockets in the inside to help you organize. Don't buy ones with pockets on the outside, though. You make yourself a victim of theft too easily that way. Anyone can come by and snatch your phone on the street or desk when you are away if it is visible. Designate each pocket inside for keys, phone, or even an inhaler for easy grabbing without having to shuffle around in your bag to find them.
5. Get a big enough wallet to carry all your cards, pictures, and ID's in one. With all the new discount cards we all carry for the different stores we frequent, it really adds up and can be hard to keep up with if we don't have them organized in one place. Some stores also give you the key chain version, so store the card at home, and the key chain version will keep up with itself! Unless, of course, you misplace your keys, then I can't help ya! haha
6. Don't let anything just float around in your purse, other than your wallet itself. Buy about three different small, clear, makeup bags. Separate things like your lip gloss, powder, beauty products into one. In another, things like gum, band aids, candy, medicine in small baggie, small tissue pack, safety pins, pony tail holders, bobby pins, ect.. Then in the other I would recommend a two ink pens, a small notepad, tokens for transportation (if you take public transit), an extra house key (should you lose your keys), and any other miscellaneous necessity you might need during your day.
7. Don't go too small, and don't go too big. If you go too small, these things won't fit inside. Your purse will look like it's about to throw up all your belongings, and the straps will break fairly quickly because a small purse is not made to carry that much weight. BUT, Don't go to big either, because you will surely stuff more and more stuff in your bag and make it too easy to get disorganized. You will lose your knack at organizing and just begin to throw things in your bag again just because they fit!
I hope these idea's help you out. If you can think of any other great idea's to help us girls organize our bags, feel free to email me or post a comment below! Thanks!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Religious..but LOST
I think there are many people out there who believe they are following Jesus, that they are "Christians", and are living life the way that Jesus would have them. They may be faithful members of the church who give every single Sunday to the offering plate, they sing in the choir, they volunteer their time to church activities, they might even teach Sunday School.
But sadly, they've missed the mark. They think that all the things they are DOING are the keys to getting in good with Jesus, and ultimately on that day, will open the doors of Heaven for them.
These folks may have grown up in a Christian home, where the Bible was read and prayers were offered. They may have been taught impeccable morals. God has offered his grace freely to all. We must choose to receive or reject it. Unfortunately, the religious but lost have chosen to reject that free grace, in favor of their own good works and self justification, even without realizing it.
The only means of covering sin is by faith in Christ's atonement. All those outside of genuine faith live in their sin, which exposes them to the wrath of God. All that stands between them and the burning flames of hell is simple trust. Yet they refuse, either willfully, or through the irresponsible act of neglect to that small voice calling inside that says..."Step out, trust me. You're not yet right!"
They probably hear that voice, but are confused by it because in their minds they are doing good, their sin is minimal, they believe in God, they believe Jesus died on the cross, yet they've forgotten that Jesus said they must REPENT of their sins.
Sure, they may pray, and tell God to take their sins away. But true repentance means that they are truly sorry for the things they have done and never want to do them again. Repentance means you literally turn yourself around in a 180 and go the opposite direction. But these people who are religious, think that all the good things they do make up for those things that are sinful.
There have been great men who laid down their lives, even gave their bodies to be burned, who were religious but lost. One example of such a religious but lost martyr was Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormanism. Mormons believe that one's salvation is based on such good works as baptism, good deeds, missionary work, and following Mormon teachings.
Being religious means following a certain set of rules or doctrines. It means that I go to a church (or synagogue or temple or whatever), and I do what the pastor (or priest, or rabbi) tells me I should. It means that I believe, that by doing what I should do, I am some how getting closer to God. This is not Christianity at all.
Being religious is being a "doer" manipulated by guilt, to try to please a God who is distant, sitting up there just waiting for them to mess up so he can strike them down.
Being Christian on the other hand, offers more freedom, as it is not based on rules and regulations, but on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A Christian knows that he is a sinner saved by grace and that when he follows Christ, the Holy Spirit will do the work of change from the inside out. It is a growing process. The deeper your relationship with Christ becomes, the more you want to follow Him, and the more Christ-like you become.
Being a Christian means being a hearer, not a doer, not manipulated by guilt, but by the desire to please the Lord, who is intimately involved with every step of their life, who patiently and lovingly picks them up when they fall.
Not to say that Christian's are not "doers", because they should be. But a Christians works come out of a deep dedication to their Lord to follow Jesus' teachings. Their HEART wants to do things for others, because they have the one and only true love -Jesus- living there. They don't do good works for the purpose of "Look what I did", or "This makes me a better person". Or at least they SHOULDNT. Its very easy to get caught up in that way of thinking, but a Christian does the good works because they WANT to, not because they feel they HAVE to in order to get on God's good side.
They know that they stepped out on faith that day Jesus spoke to their hearts and said, "Its time, trust me, follow me, put your faith in me, I died for you so that you may live, set yourself aside and live in ME, and I will become the Lord of your life". The only thing they ever have to do to become a Christian, secure their right to Heaven, is Repent of their lives, and follow Jesus.
It sounds so easy, doesn't it? But is it really that easy to leave behind who you are up until this point? Is it that easy to quit smoking cold turkey? Is it easy to control your foul mouth just because you've decided not to curse anymore? It is easy to stop hanging out with those best friends you've had since elementary school that you party and experiment drugs and alcohol with? Is it easy to go from a life of sexual immorality to saving yourself for your wedding day?
NOO! It's the HARDEST thing you will ever do! And no amount of good deeds is going to cover it up!
But, repentance means that you give all that up! You commit to never doing that stuff again and Jesus tells us is hurtful to our bodies, which is now HIS Temple. Where HE resides!
Are you going to mess up? Most definitely! But, Jesus died on the cross for ALL our sins.
It's not easy to just give up that life as we've known it to be thus far. If you put your trust in Jesus to take away those desires, He will do it. Sure, we may let ourselves get in the way, and that is the time to turn it back over to Him. Confess it! Lay it down! If we WANT him to change us, He will.
It may be hard, but no where near as hard as having to remember every single little white lie, cross word, or sinful thought or action and having to do a good deed, or confess to a priest, in order to be free of it. (which in that case you never really are).
Don't be religious... it's too much work!
Be a follower of JESUS- The ONLY way to Eternal Life!
"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast". Ephesians 2:8-9
"Salvation comes to those who do not work for salvation, but believe on Jesus Christ instead!" Romans 4:5
Sunday, February 17, 2013
God Of The Universe!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Lupercalia or Valentine's Day?
Of course, all the text to follow is just information I found online and other people's opinions.
One Version of the Story....
Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman God of Agriculture, (the date in February was originally chosen to welcome spring) and to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus commemorating young men's rite of passage.
A lottery was held where all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn and the city's bachelors would then each choose a name out of the urn and the girl would be the sexual partner of the young man for a year.
I Different Version of the Story......
In 498 A.D. Pope Gelasius of the Christian Church declared the celebration a pagan holiday, and decided to Christianize it. He did this by creating a "misinformation" celebration on the day before the festival of Lupercalia, February 14th, in the hopes of confusing the entire matter.
Instead of the names of young women, the urn would contain the names of Christian Saints and the young men and women were to emulate the ways of the saint they picked from the urn for a year.
And Yet Another side of the story......
Saint Valentine was a Roman who was killed for his faith on February 14, 269 A.D. He had refused to worship pagan gods, and some stories say he was a priest who would marry young couples in secret who shared the Christian faith and wanted a Christian wedding dedicating their marriage to God. In 496, his 'saint day' was established. He is associated with love because he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, and would pass notes to her. His final note, before he was executed, read 'from your Valentine'.
In Italy, with its romantic and religious roots, St Valentine's Day became the traditional day to be engaged. Young Romans would spend this day gathered together in gardens to listen to romantic poetry and music.
As with many holidays, the celebration of St. Valentine's Day became a mixture of the new Christian rites as well as the older pagan rites of that same time of year.
My opinion......
No matter where "Valentine's Day" came from, today is about love. What is love? None other than Jesus. So share Jesus' love with everyone you meet today!
Monday, February 11, 2013
What Girls REALLY Want for Valentines! Listen up Boys!
Do I give her the same ole' teddy bear and box of chocolates? Do I buy her jewelry? Do I make something because I'm creative and want to show her that something from the heart is more important than throwing money down on something and calling it special? Does she really care if I buy her roses? Will an I.O.U suffice because I simply had no idea what to do, or ran out of time??
Lets address each of those individually....
Do I give her the same ole' teddy bear and box of chocolates?
What did you give her last year? If you did this last year, then NO. Spice it up! Do something different! But, if you do give her this, find the biggest teddy bear you can! If it doesn't already have ribbon, find some pretty sparkly, thick, ribbon and tie it around the bears kneck. Include a hand written love note tied on to the ribbon. If you buy chocolates, make sure you get the kind she likes! I personally do not like nuts, so any candy with nuts would not be a good pick. If you don't know, then buy truffles from a specialty candy store! What girl doesn't like Milk Chocolate Truffles??
Do I buy her jewelry?
Unless you are planning on proposing, do NOT buy a ring. Because as soon as she see's that box, that's the first thing she will think! What a let down that would be! Buy a necklace, or a bracelet. And you must spend at least $100. Don't buy something cheap or not real. If you can't afford this much, then don't bother. Why? Because in a girls mind, your jewelry cost defines how much you love her. And yes, every girl finds a way to find out how much you spent and what its worth!
Do I make something because I'm creative and want to show her that something from the heart is more important than throwing money down on something and calling it special?
This is a tricky one. Something hand made, and from the heart is very special. If you really do put a lot of time and brain power into this, you can pull it off fairly well. But, if it looks cheap, like it took no more than 5 minutes to create, then it will probably appear you did not want to spend the money and went cheap on her. This is always a good option for those guys who don't have a lot of money to spend. If you do this, make it LOOK like you spent money and time on it.
Don't give her a poem on regular paper. Type it up, use pretty paper, place the paper on a piece of pink or red construction paper or card stock to create a boarder. Spray it with your cologne. If you've got a little extra cash, buy a pretty frame to put it in. You need at least one rose to go with this. And give it to her as soon as you greet her at the door.
If you're musically inclined, Sing the poem to her. Bonus points for sure!!
Does she really care if I buy her roses?
YES. Yes. And YES. The only exception to this would be if you knew her favorite flower and wanted to show her you "noticed" her likes. This can mean a lot to know you cared more about getting her something special to her liking, than going with the traditional flower. Also, the MORE flowers the BETTER. This is like jewelry, the more you spend shows just how big your love is. If you can't afford a whole dozen, or two, or three, then even ONE rose can get the point across to the right girl. But it all has to do with how you present it. Dress it up. Add ribbon and maybe baby's breath. Wrap the stem in a pretty tissue paper. Never include a vase, because it will look like you bought it that way. If you go with only one rose, include a little card that says something like; "Two hearts, One rose, One love" or something sappy like that ;)
Even if you buy her something expensive, you should include at least one rose. If you can afford to spend the money on the gift, then a few extra dollars for a flower will show her you went the extra mile :)
Will and I.O.U suffice because I simply didn't know what to do or ran out of time?
Um...NO! DUH! Every girl in America thinks "If you couldn't take time out of your day, just ONE day a year, to do something special for me, then that means you really could care less about my feelings or our relationship". You appear thoughtless, or careless. She may say different, but she thinks it. Don't get caught that last day without even thinking about what you want to do, and empty handed. Take time to really think about it, and prepare. The more you procrastinate, the less thoughtful your gift is going to appear.
Now, if you really do get stuck in this situation because of things out of your control- Run by a spa, or her favorite jewelry store, department store, or specialty shop and buy her a gift certificate. If you go this route, $50 should be the minimum! You can't buy ANYTHING nice for less than $50 these days. If she doesn't get the immediate gratification from your gift on Valentines, she needs to look forward to spending it. She's going to feel cheated if you give her anything less.
Then, on your way to her house stop by a flower shop or even gas station for at least one flower. At this point, you may not be able to find any roses, so the nicest flower you can find may be the best shot you got!
In all the hustle and bustle today, we might forget to show our loved ones just how special they are, and how much we love them. Don't let Valentines get caught up in the business of life. Set that day apart and try your best to WOW her and make her feel special. If you can't go out and buy the expensive stuff, then do something simple, but MEANINGFUL. Leave a rose on her pillow, or on her windshield, with a hand written note expressing your feelings. Make a pic-nick and take a stroll in a park. Take her to her favorite restaurant or rent her favorite movie and snuggle in on the couch.
All the things listed above are superficial, materialistic. Some girls really go for that, or even require it. But, I say it's all about SHOWING your love, than it is how much money you spend. If you can afford to do an expensive gift along with just doing something special, great! But, if not, any good girl is going to appreciate the thought you put into making the day special without spending a bunch of money. If you do something simple, and actually put some thought into it, and she gets upset because you didn't spend- then you probably need to rethink that relationship. If she really cares about you, she cares about what you DID do for her, not what you DIDNT.
Here are a few bible verses that speak to healthy relationships. Read each one. It might help you in deciding how to express your love this Valentines Day, and you might can even use one on your hand written card :)
Romans 12:9-10
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Proverbs 31:10
An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
Mark 10:9
What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.
Ephesians 5:33
However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Are YOU A Vampire Church Member???
I Shall Not Want
Monday, February 4, 2013
Be Healthy
But now, after having three children, having to undergo a complete hysterectomy after my third, and just not being able to exercise due to my illness, I have gained so much weight and it was a month ago that I realized that I was gaining weight again when I noticed fat rolls starting to form on my lower back and belly. I've never been happy with my body, but to realize that my weight was spinning out of control I had to do SOMETHING.
I have several friends who started on Thinogenics, and every time I saw them they looked thinner. To find out that they only take one pill a day, only change their meals a little bit, and the key is water, and they weren't even exercising.... I knew I had to try it!
Well, I started Thinogenics last Wednesday, and I've already lost 10 lbs! I even forgot to take it for 2 days this week, and pigged out at my daughters birthday party Saturday night!
I know that God made us all unique, and we should be proud of our bodies. But, I do believe that God did not intend for us to let our bodies get out of control with extra weight on our bodies. There are places in the bible that tell us that over eating is actually as sin. I know that there are certain people who have health issues that make them keep a lot of extra weight on their bodies, regardless of what they eat, but He did not intend on us eating all of these foods with fillers, and for it to be processed with un-natural additives, that make us keep all this extra fat on our bodies.
A few years ago I tried a diet of eating only natural food. Nothing carbonated. No processed foods. Very low sugars. I mainly lived on veggies, flavored water, fruit, and one piece of meat, and one sugary thing a day. I ate all day, but only those things. I lost 20lbs in about a month and a half! That just goes to show you that all these foods we eat that are "easy" and "fast" are foods that make us gain weight.
However, there came a day where I just HAD to eat something bad for me. That ONE McDonalds meal and Coke did me in! Once I reintroduced myself to it, my body started craving it and little by little I started cheating more and more until I was eating all that junk all over again. Then, my illness set it, and I've been gaining weight ever since!
I say all this to remind you to eat healthy, stop eating junk, keep yourself in check! I'm not saying you need to start Thinogenics, I'm just saying that we've got to remind ourselves that we are killing ourselves with all this processed and unnatural food we consume. It's not just the weight, it's the health issues that come from the weight and fatty foods we consume. Before all these processed foods came out, people in America were typically 4 sizes smaller than the majority of Americans today. That should be a wake up call to all of us.
So, from now on, I'm committing myself to eating more healthy. Even if I go off the Thinogenics, I'm going to stop eating junk, processed foods, sodas, and sugars that are not good for me. I urge you to take the same initiative. I promise you will lose those extra pounds and feel so much better!
I know today's post isn't all that inspirational, but it's what's on my mind right now. If anything, I hope it just helps remind you to put that donut down and grab some broccoli! Put down that Coke or Sweet Tea, and add some Crystal Lite flavor drops (with no aspartame) to a bottle of water! :)
Friday, February 1, 2013
AMAZING thing called SPACE
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
When I was in the 6th grade, our home in Marietta Georgia was hit by a tornado. Ever since I have been deathly afraid that one day I would relive that scary day. Our home was not destroyed, but damaged by tree's that had been thrown around the yard. There was no tree left in our yard at that time. The biggest tree in our yard, a HUGE pine tree, was perfectly cut, as if done by a chain saw, into three pieces (about 40 ft long, and weighing hundreds of pounds each). Each piece rested on a different side of our home. All just resting peacefully, as if set there on purpose, nice and neatly against the house on all three sides.
Now, there is just no way that could have possibly happened if it hadn't been for divine intervention. Even bushes that were only 5 feet tall up against our home completely disappeared. Yet, our home still stood. I believe firmly that the Lord had his hand on our home that night protecting us from harm.
Psalm 91 reminds us that God protects His people. That is not to say that bad things won't happen to us, but His promise is that no matter what does happen to us, that He has us in His hands, and will take care of the situation. When the tornado's came through North Alabama in April two years ago, people asked "How could God let this kind of thing happen to us!?". I've felt that same feeling when things have gone severely wrong in my own life, but who are we to question God's will? I believe that every trial we face comes at us for a reason. Our brains simply cannot even fathom the vastness of Gods plan, and perhaps that's why we question it all the time.
The bible also says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.
I know that hard times, bad storms, or even tragedy may come my way, but I trust that God knows what He's doing- whether it be to take care of me here on Earth, or bring me to Heaven to live with Him.
10 Things That Change When You Become A Mom
When we are young, we just can't wait to be married! Its a dream us girls plan nearly from the day we are born. We carry around our baby dolls and dream about being married to daddy one day just like mommy. Cute, yes. My oldest daughter asked my husband the other day if she could marry him when she grows up. I think he thought it kinda strange, but in research about child behavior I find that it's perfectly normal for a little girl to think that daddy is the perfect person to marry one day.
BUT, Does anyone ever warn us that once we are married and have children that our lives will completely change? That all of our wants and needs go out the window while we are taking care of our families? At least, that's the attitude a woman SHOULD have when she has a family. I've sacrificed a lot in my life since being married and having children. There are some women who manage to have families, and yet their lives do not change at all. They still do the things they want, go where they want, and pursue their dreams because they hire someone else to do the "mommy duties", or they simply just ignore their children and the children end up raising themselves. I'm kinda in the middle now. I, for years, followed my husband wherever his ministry took us, and stayed at home doing nothing but taking care of the kids all day and night. But, I've learned in the last year or so that I CAN still do that, AND have some time for myself. I was in a deep depression because I never was able to do anything for myself, or have any time alone just to vegge out. I really wore me down. I've learned that you've got to put your family first 90% of the time, and leave at least 10% of your time to just be alone and do something nice for yourself. Get your nails done! Get your hair cut! Go shopping by yourself! If you don't have anyone to watch your kids, rent them a movie, pop some popcorn and tell them to stay there and do not move for at least an hour while you take a hot bath with the door locked or read a book or some other thing you enjoy!
Here is a list of things that Change when we become moms: :)
1)Sleep is a word that you must just erase from your vocabulary! Especially if you're a mom of a newborn. However, it doesn't get that much better as they get older. Even one's that start out in their own beds at the beginning of the night find a way to sneak in your bed.
2)Clean Clothes. At some point in your day your child WILL find a way to ruin that brand new top you wore for the first time today with their little spaghetti fingers! ALWAYS keep a spare outfit in the trunk. Clean laundry is also a challenge because I find that I always wash their clothes first to make sure they have something to wear, forgetting about myself-leaving me in sweats and a t-shirt for the third day in a row! LOL
3) Vacations IF you are able to take vacations at all, those vacations you once knew are a thing of the past! Your vacation is no longer about relaxation and that special alone time with your significant other. No, your vacations now are about what the kids will enjoy-Destinations with plenty of activities to keep them busy and entertained. While you may have a good time watching them have fun- from now on its all about THEM :)
4)PUKE is the new "normal". If you're like me, before I had children I could not stand the site or even sound of someone throwing up. If I saw or heard it, it was all over for me as well! But, when you're little one is sick as can be, throwing up all over you and your bed, your "mommy gut" kicks in and you simply do what you have to, and tho it may gross you out a bit, its no longer the same issue as it was before.
5)Non-Mommy Friends Disappear You are no longer "cool" or fun to hang out with when you have children. After about the third time your friend calls you to come hang out or go to a party and you say, "I cant, I don't have a sitter" or "I cant, my baby is sick", you probably won't hear from that friend as much as you used to. No matter how good a friend she/he may be, if they don't have kids, then they don't have the same restraints as you, and they are going to want a friend who has the same freedoms to do those fun last minute plans out on the town!
6)Taking Showers/Baths are now considered a LUXURY! I've always been afraid to take a shower or bath with the door closed or locked because I'm just so afraid something might happen without me realizing it. Therefore, my relaxing bath time turns into the baby playing with the bubbles, and insisting she join me, while the older ones comment on every body part I have still visible from the bubbles, as I try to grab a towel to cover myself. I've learned I have to pick my bath time wisely to actually get anything relaxing out of it.
7)MINE is no longer YOURS. Now, everything you have your children think is theirs as well. Am I the only one who sneaks a Dove candy bar to my bedroom and hides beside her bed so she doesn't have to share?
8)FOOD My little one will sit forever and not eat a single thing off her plate. But, put her in my lap and she will eat every bite on MINE. For some reason the food on mommy's plate tastes so much better than she same food on her own.
9)Weight Many women will never see that size of dress they wore or weigh the same as they did before having children. Mainly because your body changes so much during pregnancy, but also because we get so busy rushing our little ones around that fast food and anything that is convenient becomes part of your normal routine. Fast and convenient almost always equals unhealthy and/or full of fat.
10)Personal Appearance Before having children, I would never, ever, EVER let another human being see me without my hair done and full makeup. I also tried my best to always wear something cute, just because you never know who you are going to see while you are out. But, after having babies, I've come to realize that no one cares what I look like, and what does it matter now anyway? I mean, I've got my man, who else do I need to impress now? My main problem is not having the TIME to get myself all dolled up before getting the kids out the door in the morning. I'd much rather have that extra 45 minutes of sleep that make sure I'm wearing mascara. However, in the last year I've begun to care a little bit more about myself. I may not get fully dressed or makeup on before taking the kids to school, but now I at least attempt to go home and make myself cute before being seen in public :)
These are just a FEW things that change when you become a mom. We might can touch on some more of those later...
One thing is true no matter what changes we go through or have to make once we become a mother, and that things is ITS WORTH IT :)
Cheerio's are the enemy!!
Monday, January 28, 2013
15 Things Every Preacher's Wife Should Know
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Negative Vibes
My life has been everything but normal, simple, slow, or easy....I've probably lived life for about three other people-other than myself. I've been through so much that I think sometimes, without realizing, I come across being a little negative sounding. In my head, I'm simply explaining what is happening to me, but others seem to take that "sharing" as "complaining". However, I never tell it in a way that sounds like I'm complaining, I'm simply sharing the facts about what is going on. My best friend still lives in the Atlanta area, where I grew up. And all my college friends have moved on and we lost contact once I was married and started having kids. So, I really do not have anyone in my life, other than my best friend, Portia, who is still in Atlanta- which is about 5 hours away. I find myself sharing about my day and things that are happening on my Facebook page as a "release", mainly just because I don't have anyone to talk to. I get pretty lonely not having a best friend near me to spend time with. One of my other Bama Wives/Dixie Divas told me that she thought I was the most "negative" person in the cast because I was always sharing my life on Facebook and it was very rare that she saw something positive on my page. But, I'm over here like...well, does ANYTHING good ever happen to me? If it did, I would share it just as I do anything else! I don't know, it just really struck a cord with me, and made me think more about the things I say on Facebook. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I've tried to lighten things up and not share as much about my personal life. I've also tried my best to make sure I put something positive and friendly every day. As the Proverb above says, I'm trying to be more wise about my decisions, and think more positively and in the way of the Lord. Jesus wants us to just be thankful for what we have, because He gave it to us. I'm trying to rely more on God to take care of the things in my life that are not perfect, and just be content in knowing that I am a child of God, and that is all that is important!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Naughty Nature
Friday, January 25, 2013
Women pastors
Just a little church humor today :)
A church had to hire a new pastor. Over the protests of one very vocal male member, a woman was hired as the new senior pastor.
After the new pastor had been there a few weeks, a member of the congregation offered to take the new pastor fishing. The vocal objector reluctantly agreed to allow them to use his boat and to go along. He figured he could use the opportunity to his gain somehow to prove women do not belong in ministry.
The trio got into the boat and motored out on the lake. When they got ready to fish, they realized that all their tackle had been left on the dock. One of the men commented that he guess they would just have to go back and get it!
"that wont be necessary", said the woman pastor;
and she got out of the boat and started walking across the water toward the dock.
The old grouch said, "See I told you we never should have hired that woman. She can't even swim!"
Funny Song about A Preachers Wife - YouTube
Walker, you're gonna kill me...but this is just too funny not to share! hahahahahahaha
Ain't THAT the truth!!
Then God created Man and rested.
Then God created Woman.
Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.