I, like many women, have struggled with my weight nearly all my life. Even in high school I was a little more meaty than the other girls. I wasn't over weight, just more filled out. Part of that was due to my dance background. Then, and even some now that I've retained, a good bit of my weight was due to musle mass because I was a dancer. My body was pretty firm, not mushy, but I still looked like I was carrying a little more weight because of it. Even now, people cannot believe how much I actually weigh, because I don't look like I weigh that much. When they find out how much I weigh they always comment "Well, you sure to carry yourself well, because you would never know you weigh that much!"
But now, after having three children, having to undergo a complete hysterectomy after my third, and just not being able to exercise due to my illness, I have gained so much weight and it was a month ago that I realized that I was gaining weight again when I noticed fat rolls starting to form on my lower back and belly. I've never been happy with my body, but to realize that my weight was spinning out of control I had to do SOMETHING.
I have several friends who started on Thinogenics, and every time I saw them they looked thinner. To find out that they only take one pill a day, only change their meals a little bit, and the key is water, and they weren't even exercising.... I knew I had to try it!
Well, I started Thinogenics last Wednesday, and I've already lost 10 lbs! I even forgot to take it for 2 days this week, and pigged out at my daughters birthday party Saturday night!
I know that God made us all unique, and we should be proud of our bodies. But, I do believe that God did not intend for us to let our bodies get out of control with extra weight on our bodies. There are places in the bible that tell us that over eating is actually as sin. I know that there are certain people who have health issues that make them keep a lot of extra weight on their bodies, regardless of what they eat, but He did not intend on us eating all of these foods with fillers, and for it to be processed with un-natural additives, that make us keep all this extra fat on our bodies.
A few years ago I tried a diet of eating only natural food. Nothing carbonated. No processed foods. Very low sugars. I mainly lived on veggies, flavored water, fruit, and one piece of meat, and one sugary thing a day. I ate all day, but only those things. I lost 20lbs in about a month and a half! That just goes to show you that all these foods we eat that are "easy" and "fast" are foods that make us gain weight.
However, there came a day where I just HAD to eat something bad for me. That ONE McDonalds meal and Coke did me in! Once I reintroduced myself to it, my body started craving it and little by little I started cheating more and more until I was eating all that junk all over again. Then, my illness set it, and I've been gaining weight ever since!
I say all this to remind you to eat healthy, stop eating junk, keep yourself in check! I'm not saying you need to start Thinogenics, I'm just saying that we've got to remind ourselves that we are killing ourselves with all this processed and unnatural food we consume. It's not just the weight, it's the health issues that come from the weight and fatty foods we consume. Before all these processed foods came out, people in America were typically 4 sizes smaller than the majority of Americans today. That should be a wake up call to all of us.
So, from now on, I'm committing myself to eating more healthy. Even if I go off the Thinogenics, I'm going to stop eating junk, processed foods, sodas, and sugars that are not good for me. I urge you to take the same initiative. I promise you will lose those extra pounds and feel so much better!
I know today's post isn't all that inspirational, but it's what's on my mind right now. If anything, I hope it just helps remind you to put that donut down and grab some broccoli! Put down that Coke or Sweet Tea, and add some Crystal Lite flavor drops (with no aspartame) to a bottle of water! :)
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