The Preacher and his wife :)

The Preacher and his wife :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Love Actions Speak Much Louder Than Love Words...

Any relationship is something you have to actively seek to work on. You cannot get caught up in your every day life, schedule, and circumstances and forget to keep that spark between you and your mate. We sometimes get to comfortable with our relationships, forgetting to continue to "woo" our husband or wife once those vows are made, the honeymoon is over, you pop our three kids, and the end of our workday is over and we are just ready to vegge out before starting another day.

A reason I believe so many marriages end in divorce is because each party, or at least one of them, has forgotten to make the other feel special, forgotten to show the other just how much you love, appreciate, and cherish the other.

But, HOW do you show that to your loved one? Everyone has different ways of showing their love.

As a wife, and mother, our natural instinct is to make sure he gets his favorite meals on the table when he comes home from a long work day, hang up and wash his clothing, make sure he has a clean towel for when he washes off his long day, keep the kids from bothering him while he watches his favorite tv show, make sure he has snacks he likes, and maybe even make him lunch for work when he needs it.

As a husband, he may feel that being intimate is the best way. He might also watch the kids while his wife goes shopping, or spends time with her friends. He might keep the kids occupied while she takes a much needed bath to soak away the stresses of the day. He could even buy her something from the store that he noticed she had her eye on. Some husbands, who are not as lazy, might even clean up the cheerios off the floor, just so she doesn't have to.

But, are those not things that any married couple should do for each other anyway? Are those things in any way being romantic? Do they start any kind of spark for the other?

Some women may say yes. I've heard several women comment that their biggest turn on is to witness their husband cleaning.

 Kuddo's to those who feel that way, but I'm talking about actively seeking out to make your mate feel special, wanted, sexy, and there really is no way they would ever even be interested in another woman or man on the planet, til death do they part.

I've put together a list of things to show your loved one just how special they are to you. Not all of these idea's are things that are going to appeal to everyone, but hopefully it can get you thinking, and actively seeking how to strengthen your relationships on many different levels.

Things to do for HER:

1.Compliment her on what she's wearing. Be specific about how it compliments her body.
2.Surprise her by doing something for her when she least expects it.
3.Defend her, in all ways. Even if she is wrong. Especially with family.
4.When she is sick, even if you're a germaphobe, cuddle with her, pick her flowers from outside.
5.Seek out things to help her, don't do nothing just because you don't know what to do, ASK her
   "how can I help you".
6.Pretend she has a sign over her head that reads "Make me feel special right now", and think of
    ways to do so, right that minute, not later, because you will probably forget.
7.Never show any other woman, especially in front of her, any kind of attention that could be
8.Plan AHEAD for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special holidays. NEVER do anything
   last minute. Waiting until the last minute,( in a womans mind), says you did not think enough
   about her, or how special she is to you, and you are only doing something for her because you
   feel "obligated" to do so.
9.Leave a special note or poem for her she can find, maybe even with her favorite flower, as a
   sweet surprise, on your pillow to find as she wakes, in the seat of her car, or on the bathroom
10.Show her affection without sexual intentions.
11.Have flowers delivered to her from time to time, just to say "Just because I love you".
12.Offer to watch the kids and/or clean the house and send her off for some "me" time.
13.Arrange to have a sitter, and surprise her by taking her out to her favorite restaurant.
14. Make sure every week that you do something, just the two of you, even if its only for
      a little while. You need that alone time. Knowing that alone time, apart from intimacy,
      is important to you, shows how important she is to you.
15. When the two of you go to dinner, don't sit across from her, sit WITH her in the booth.
16.Pray for her. Pray that God helps her through her day, and gives her the things she needs,
     and let her know you prayed for her today just because you wanted her to have a good

Things to do for HIM:

1.Send him an email while he is at work. Tell him you love him, and can't wait for him to
    come home.
2. Send him pictures of yourself in an email or txt message, men are very visual.
3.Watch his favorite tv show with him, even if you don't like it. Don't talk, just sit with him
   and watch with him. Some men just like to BE with you, and that's all the comfort they need.
4.Send a sweet note in his lunch, briefcase, or even wallet for him to find at work.
5.Instead of handing off a baby, the kids homework, or a "to do" list when he comes home,
   greet him at the door with a long kiss.
6.Make his favorite meals from time to time, to show you know his likes.
7.Give in more often to intimacy, even when you don't feel like it.
8. Greet him when he comes home from time to time wearing your nicest outfit, hair done
    the way he likes it, heels, and makeup all done. Not only will this make him feel special
    that you dressed up just to greet him, but it will raise his interest in you as well.
9.Tell him how HOT he looks today.
10.Plan a day that he can just go do something he wants to, without worrying about you
     or the kids. Guys need "me time" too.
11.If you see a shirt, or item in the store you know he would like, (if you have the money) buy it
     for him. And if you don't have the money, tell him about it, and save up the money to buy it
     for him, at least that way he knows you were thinking about him.
12.When you go to a restaurant, don't sit across the table from him, sit by him in the same booth.
13.Make sure you always tell him how you appreciate the little things he does.
14.Make his favorite dessert, and let him know its just for him.
15.Pray for him, and tell him you did so. Just because you love him and are thankful for him.

Not all of these ideas will work all the time, but if you use these idea's as a guide, and actively seek out ways to SHOW your love, your appreciation, and need for your husband or wife, it will mean so much to them.

 Don't ever let a day go by that you do not do SOMETHING to SHOW your thinking about them. Even on the busy days, a simple email, txt message, or Facebook post expressing your love will get you far.

Don't let them think that you've forgotten about them, and don't let them forget about you by
remaining in the background. Keep YOU in their thoughts, and keep them in YOURS.
Even if you're angry......

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