The Preacher and his wife :)

The Preacher and his wife :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Passion

I work with youth currently at our church. I love it. Aside from the fun I have with them, I think I mainly enjoy it because I want so much for them to learn from my mistakes. They are all at the age I was when I began making some pretty big life mistakes that I still deal with and regret today. I dont want that for them. I want to catch them now and pound it in their heads that its just not worth it! I want to distill in them that the fun they are having now will not last. There are always consequences that will catch up with you eventually. I dont want them to go thru the pain, regret, and guilt I went thru by my poor choices. But, they aren't going to learn without experiencing life. Our decisions we make are what makes us who we are, molds us for who we will become, and hopefully learn from those experiences. I love them as my own children, so I dont want them to hurt. Why cant they just learn from ME so that they know better. You can tell a child a hundred times the stove is hot. You'll get burned. But they don't truly understand what that means until they touch it for themselves and feel that pain from their bad decision.

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