The Preacher and his wife :)

The Preacher and his wife :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Have you ever considered Lypo Suction? Lypo involves shoving tubes into your body that is connected to a vacuum that sucks out all the unwanted fat in your body. Its quick, but takes day to recover because your body is in absolute shock at how invasive the abuse to your body is. Many people consider Lypo because all the fat they have on their bodies slows them down, gets in the way of the things they would like to do, and makes them feel like less of a person when they look in the mirror, their self image is severely damaged every time they pass by the mirror, seeing all about themselves they may want to change.
I have been trying to do Lypo suction myself, but not the kind of Lypo you may be thinking. I'm ready for all the toxins and fat that are in my LIFE holding me back. For example, Ive been very sick for a long time. First they told me I had Fibromyalgia. They just couldn't figure out anything else because of how awful I felt all the time, and the body pain I was experiencing. They figured I also had some sort of autoimmune disease because of my blood tests always pointed in that direction. However, with my wide range of symptoms they just couldn't hone in on which one it might be. One day I woke up with my eye completely swollen shut, with a rash all over my face and neck. I immediately went to the hospital because I just simply looked like something out of a Scooby Doo episode. They told me that they thought I had shingles. However, two days later I woke up and the rash had spread to the opposite side of my body, and down my back. Now, the common person knows that Shingles only affects one side of the body because it runs thru a nerve pattern. Nerves are positioned in your body only following one side of your body, no nerve pattern is on both sides of your body. The doctor tells me that I most probably have something autoimmune, and most probably Lupus with this rash on my face, called a Butterfly rash. I'm still undergoing preliminary treatment for Lupus. I say all this because this kind of physical attack has been on my body for years. It is very rare that I wake up and feel "ok". I'm ALWAYS sore, ALWAYS hurting somewhere, I'm ALWAYS tired. This illness has been running my life and how I plan my day and activities. But, Lupus or not, I'm ready to just take that Lupus, that hurt, that exhaustion and say "LEAVE ME, JESUS TAKE THIS PAIN FROM ME, GOD CLEANSE MY BODY AND MAKE ME WHOLE AGAIN! I KNOW ONLY YOU CAN TAKE THIS SICKNESS AND MAKE ME WHITE AS SNOW AGAIN!
Through the many hurts I've had in my life, there is ONE thing that always makes me feel better...and EVERY girl can relate to....SHOPPING!! This is where I move on to the next thing I need Jesus to take control of. To LYPO from my life. I've taken one toxin and only transferred it to another toxic thing that has become and addiction in my life I've used to try to cover up another. Now, over the years I have learned to control my shopping addiction. With the help of my husband, and his father counseling us on how to spend our money, I've been able to live within my means. But, it was only 3 years ago that I was spending a thousand dollars over what our monthly allowance was. We were in such a bad place that we turned over all of our finances to Benjamin's father. He received our debit cards, and we were given cash to spend each week. We were in no shape to handle our down finances anymore, because I obviously could not control my spending habits. Through discipline and example I have learned how to budget my spending. That is not to say that I do not still have those cravings for spending, that I do not think about the things I would like to have, but by turning over the toxic thing I was letting control me, I learned what healthy spending was.
Just like I turned over my addiction, my craving, the thing that I let define who I was to Benjamin's father, we need to turn over those same things to our HEAVENLY father. We've got to come to a point where we hit that brick wall of needing help that we just cry to Jesus "TAKE THIS FROM ME. TAKE AWAY MY OBSESSIONS AND MAKE YOU MY ONLY OBSESSION!"
It takes so much more than ourselves to purge the things on our lives that control us, we MUST turn those things over the our God that is so much bigger than our sins, our problems, our obsessions. We have to WANT them gone. We have to MAKE them gone. And only HE can make that happen.
Like Lypo, it only takes a moment to ask God to take things thing's from us, but it takes a LONG time to recover and to make the lifestyle change to KEEP those things away from us that control us. We may fail, but we gotta pick ourselves up and just try again. He's always there making us new, IF we truly want it in our heart.
Psalm 51:10 Says :  "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

And A song I think helps sum all this up:      Turn Around

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