I've struggled with what I believe when it comes to gay marriage. As a Christian, I want to shout "NO! You can't do that!"
And, for a while now that has been my first gut reaction to the subject. But, after much prayer, consideration, and even talking with my husband, the pastor, on the subject, I've decided this is my stand on the subject.....
If you want to insist on separation on church and state, then that fine line has got to be one big huge gap. We as Christians want it to be a fine line, a line where church and state occasionally touch, and maybe even bleed into the other because those are the standards we live by, and want others to live by as well. We know in our hearts that God intended marriage to be between and man and a woman, and that His example of executing cities because of homosexuality, proves that He does not approve of that lifestyle.
HOWEVER, we cannot push our belief's on the government to govern whether gay marriage is allowed- and yet scream separation of church and state! You've got to choose to be together or separate! There can be no compromise just because that's what WE believe! We cannot keep claiming our nation was founded on Christian principals, because simply it was not. It was based moreso on Masonic principals than anything, but that's a whole other story.
Jesus loved EVERYONE regardless of their lifestyle choices or sin in their lives, or jobs they held, or how they were viewed by society. Did he agree with how they lived? Maybe not, but He had true love in His heart for them, and only wanted/wants a relationship with them/us. Why else would He have died for us to save us from those things that were impure in our hearts?
Today, as the law was passed that states must recognize gay marriage, I have had witnessed more hatred and disgust towards the gay community than ever before. People actually telling others on facebook that they hope they burn in Hell forever for their lifestyle, and to go read their bibles to find the truth!
SHAME ON THEM! Is that how a REAL Christian should act? I think NOT! I've done my fair share of disagreeing with gay marriage online, but never in a million years would I wish hell on any human being on earth, regardless of their choices and lifestyle. Jesus was the true example of love. He never told someone, "You disgust me with your sin. Go to hell!"
People. He came to SAVE us from hell! And to be an example of the love we should have for our fellow man! And NO CHRISTIAN should be wishing that on ANYONE. Instead, we should be PRAYING and LOVING everyone around us.
If you disagree with the way someone lives. Pray for them. Be an example of love they cannot deny. Let Jesus shine through you.
They may not change their ways, but they cannot ever say they never saw the love of Jesus in someone! BE that example!
I do not think that the government should have a say in whether a man wants to marry a man, or woman wants to marry a woman. If that's the choice they make, so be it. Its THEIR life to live, NOT OURS.
Its not our job to judge, THAT's GODS!
Leave Godly business to GOD and mind your own ;)