The Preacher and his wife :)

The Preacher and his wife :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I was born THIS way...

I was born THIS way.....
I'm puzzled and just can't figure out how to address such issues as the "equality" thing that's going around right now.

People keep saying that the law, and what people should be allowed to do with their own lives has nothing to do with the bible, or Jesus, or God, but rather:

"They were born this way, IF there is a God, He made them this way, therefore there is nothing wrong with what they d...o". or "The bible has nothing to do with law or what people should and shouldn't do", or "Its the way they choose to live their life, if they feel like doing it, why not?"

And I'm over here like... "But, didn't law originate based on biblical principles? Wasn't the law set in place from the beginning because God said so?"

If we are to be free to do whatever we want because we were "born that way", then why is it not okay for a mass killer to kill people because "It makes them feel better"?

Why is it not okay to commit adultery because we were "we want to, because it feels good"?
Why is it not okay to be lie?
Why is it not okay to cheat?

Why is it not okay to disobey our parents? Why is it not okay to do all the things we all do on a daily basis?

All of the things I listed above are listed in the BIBLE. If you don't believe the bible is a guide for our lives...then why are you not disregarding ALL the bible says?

We can't pick and choose which things we want to abide by just because we "feel like it" or because "it feels good".

It's all or nothing...choose...

Christians base their lives on the bible because that's what we believe the bible tells us to do. We base our lives on it because we believe the bible is our guidebook, and Jesus' teachings and example are how we are supposed to try to live by. Do we mess up? Most definitely! BUT, at the end of the day, we are sorrowful, shameful of our sin, and strive every day to do better. (or at least we SHOULD). We do not deliberately go against what our "guidebook" tells us, and say it's okay because we did what we feel is more fun, or because we were born in sin, therefore the sin is ok.

In a true follower of Christ's mind, we know that sin is NOT ok, but know We will never be perfect, we will always give into our sinful nature in one way or another. We are sorry we gave in, sorry we hurt our temple, sorry we hurt someone else, and wake up tomorrow and try again.

Jesus came to Earth to give us that opportunity to try again. He was born into sin, to become sin, so that He could rise again, wiping away our transgressions against ourselves and others.

We don't love each other because its what is moral...we love each other because GOD is love, and commanded us love one another...

If you don't believe in God, or Jesus, then stop loving other people!
Why? Because if you don't believe in God, then you don't believe in LOVE!
When you take THAT law away, let's see how much you love life then!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Biggest Hoax EVER

I was told yesterday that the Bible was the biggest hoax ever! And that Salvation, believing that Jesus Christ died for our sins and was resurrected on the third day; proving He was God's son, was the biggest lie ever told- all a part of the hoax! Ummm.....really? Sure, because people from the very beginning planned to make sure the prophesies would come true by having children through the line of David, so that Jesus would be born and we could call Him a Savior! Do you really think that the people in biblical times really had that much time on their hands between herding, trading, crafting, and travel to all come together to create the biggest hoax that would last for thousands of years as the biggest practical joke ever played on mankind?? These people are the biggest idiot's I've ever seen! I was called a "Bible thumper". Well, Ive got news for you honey- Id much rather be a bible thumper, than Satan's Playtoy in the hereafter! People lack such faith! Such hope! It saddens my heart people cannot believe in what is right in front of them. They claim they believe in God, and that God is so merciful that His compassion on His people will save all mankind. She even said God said "I have people of many folds", claiming that meant that all sorts of people, even those who do not believe will be spared. However, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, the life, no man shall come to the Father except through me". This means if you do not believe in Jesus as the son of God, His virgin birth, His resurrection, then yes, you indeed are lost, and unfortunately are destined for an eternity separated from His presence should you never confess with your mind, heart, and tongue, Jesus as Lord and Savior of your soul. Hoax? Well, let me look at it this way- I'd much rather believe, and live a Godly life, having hope in a life with Him for eternity, than be wrong and be cast forever into Hell. If you believe, and are wrong- then you are the same as the one who never believed. You'll end up in the same state of death. BUT why play with such a chance? Why risk it? Why risk the chance of Eternal life when its FREE? Jesus already paid the price, so why not accept it?? You'll accept a free phone, free rent, free childcare, free food, ect, ect from the Govt because you believe they have your well-being and health in mind, but you won't believe in a free ticket of Grace for what happens next? We who believe, have HOPE. We have LOVE. We have EVERYTHING. Why wouldn't ANYONE want that?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

THE BIBLE - New Series on the History Channel

The trailer for this new series that will be on the History Channel was posted online, and comment after comment just got sadder and sadder, so much it brought me to tears. 

Society today is just pathetic. It simply breaks my heart to see so many people out there who do not believe, and think it appropriate to bash the bible, and the Christian faith.

 I understand a lot of people's attitudes towards Christian's with all that they see about the Catholic church, and claims of sexual molestation, and abuse of all sorts within the Vatican and the Catholic church in general. It's not only the Catholic church that gets into this kind of trouble, many other denominations and religion's do- I think the Catholic church gets so much media attention because of who they are, how public everything is, and they have a Pope who sits up there for all to see.

Many, do not believe the bible to be anything more than a story book passed down through the ages. Some even said they thought the devil wrote it. If that were so, doesn't that make God real if you believe in Satan?

One of the first comments said that the bible was most probably written by the devil? umm..seriously? If so, He's pretty stupid of a sort to admit that in the end, that God will win, and that he will be forever burning in the lake of fire in Hell. If he were to write it, don't you think that he would lie and say that he, himself, will win over the earth, defeat God, and reign forever?

 Those who refuse to believe, ridicule the bible, and the Christian faith, will soon be shown their stubbornness and lack of thinking for themselves, and looking into their own hearts- searching for that one still voice...

The bible says that every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord. You may not believe it now, but when your day comes, you will, and you will remember that this girl from Alabama told you so.

 What does it hurt to believe? What do you lose?

 Id much rather put my trust in a God who loved me so much that He sent His own son to die for me, and believe it, and it be true- than to never believe and miss out on a lifetime in Heaven, and forever rot in hell. 

I don't have to think that way tho- cause I know in my heart it to be true. But, sometimes you've got to think differently when trying to explain to others why you should believe.

Of course, each has to discover their faith on their own. You can't MAKE anyone believe, you can only plant the seed, and hope that God can water it, and it grow.