I was born THIS way.....
I'm puzzled and just can't figure out how to address such issues as the "equality" thing that's going around right now.
People keep saying that the law, and what people should be allowed to do with their own lives has nothing to do with the bible, or Jesus, or God, but rather:
"They were born this way, IF there is a God, He made them this way, therefore there is nothing wrong with what they d...o". or "The bible has nothing to do with law or what people should and shouldn't do", or "Its the way they choose to live their life, if they feel like doing it, why not?"
And I'm over here like... "But, didn't law originate based on biblical principles? Wasn't the law set in place from the beginning because God said so?"
If we are to be free to do whatever we want because we were "born that way", then why is it not okay for a mass killer to kill people because "It makes them feel better"?
Why is it not okay to commit adultery because we were "we want to, because it feels good"?
Why is it not okay to be lie?
Why is it not okay to cheat?
Why is it not okay to disobey our parents? Why is it not okay to do all the things we all do on a daily basis?
All of the things I listed above are listed in the BIBLE. If you don't believe the bible is a guide for our lives...then why are you not disregarding ALL the bible says?
We can't pick and choose which things we want to abide by just because we "feel like it" or because "it feels good".
It's all or nothing...choose...
Christians base their lives on the bible because that's what we believe the bible tells us to do. We base our lives on it because we believe the bible is our guidebook, and Jesus' teachings and example are how we are supposed to try to live by. Do we mess up? Most definitely! BUT, at the end of the day, we are sorrowful, shameful of our sin, and strive every day to do better. (or at least we SHOULD). We do not deliberately go against what our "guidebook" tells us, and say it's okay because we did what we feel is more fun, or because we were born in sin, therefore the sin is ok.
In a true follower of Christ's mind, we know that sin is NOT ok, but know We will never be perfect, we will always give into our sinful nature in one way or another. We are sorry we gave in, sorry we hurt our temple, sorry we hurt someone else, and wake up tomorrow and try again.
Jesus came to Earth to give us that opportunity to try again. He was born into sin, to become sin, so that He could rise again, wiping away our transgressions against ourselves and others.
We don't love each other because its what is moral...we love each other because GOD is love, and commanded us love one another...
If you don't believe in God, or Jesus, then stop loving other people!
People keep saying that the law, and what people should be allowed to do with their own lives has nothing to do with the bible, or Jesus, or God, but rather:
"They were born this way, IF there is a God, He made them this way, therefore there is nothing wrong with what they d...o". or "The bible has nothing to do with law or what people should and shouldn't do", or "Its the way they choose to live their life, if they feel like doing it, why not?"
And I'm over here like... "But, didn't law originate based on biblical principles? Wasn't the law set in place from the beginning because God said so?"
If we are to be free to do whatever we want because we were "born that way", then why is it not okay for a mass killer to kill people because "It makes them feel better"?
Why is it not okay to commit adultery because we were "we want to, because it feels good"?
Why is it not okay to be lie?
Why is it not okay to cheat?
Why is it not okay to disobey our parents? Why is it not okay to do all the things we all do on a daily basis?
All of the things I listed above are listed in the BIBLE. If you don't believe the bible is a guide for our lives...then why are you not disregarding ALL the bible says?
We can't pick and choose which things we want to abide by just because we "feel like it" or because "it feels good".
It's all or nothing...choose...
Christians base their lives on the bible because that's what we believe the bible tells us to do. We base our lives on it because we believe the bible is our guidebook, and Jesus' teachings and example are how we are supposed to try to live by. Do we mess up? Most definitely! BUT, at the end of the day, we are sorrowful, shameful of our sin, and strive every day to do better. (or at least we SHOULD). We do not deliberately go against what our "guidebook" tells us, and say it's okay because we did what we feel is more fun, or because we were born in sin, therefore the sin is ok.
In a true follower of Christ's mind, we know that sin is NOT ok, but know We will never be perfect, we will always give into our sinful nature in one way or another. We are sorry we gave in, sorry we hurt our temple, sorry we hurt someone else, and wake up tomorrow and try again.
Jesus came to Earth to give us that opportunity to try again. He was born into sin, to become sin, so that He could rise again, wiping away our transgressions against ourselves and others.
We don't love each other because its what is moral...we love each other because GOD is love, and commanded us love one another...
If you don't believe in God, or Jesus, then stop loving other people!
Why? Because if you don't believe in God, then you don't believe in LOVE!
When you take THAT law away, let's see how much you love life then!